Alireza Rezazadeh

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I’m a Research Scientist at Accenture’s Center for Advanced AI.
I received my PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Minnesota, where I focused on graph representation learning for robotics.

Selected Publications

Alireza Rezazadeh, Athreyi Badithela, Karthik Desingh*, Changhyun Choi*

SlotGNN: Unsupervised Discovery of Multi-Object Representations and Visual Dynamics

ICRA 2024, [Project] [Paper] [Video]

Alireza Rezazadeh, Snehal Dikhale, Soshi Iba, Nawid Jamali

Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks for Proprioceptive 6D Pose Estimation of In-hand Objects

ICRA 2023, [Project] [Paper] [Video]

Alireza Rezazadeh, Changhyun Choi

KINet: Unsupervised Forward Models for Robotic Pushing Manipulation

RA-L 2023, ICRA 2024 [Project] [Paper] [Video]

Alireza Rezazadeh, Max Berniker

Force Field Generalization and the Internal Representation of Motor Learning

PLoS 2019, [Paper] [Data]
